In northwestern Ontario, people from two Indigenous communities, Grassy Narrows and nearby Wabaseemoong (Whitedog) Independent Nations, suffer from Minamata Disease because a paper mill in Dryden, Ontario, discharged 10 tonnes of mercury waste into the Wabigoon River upstream from the communities between 1962 and 1970. This comparison is possible because the adult and children surveys were adapted from an older 2008 and 2010 survey that had been given to 12,000 people in First Nations communities across Canada. Children aged four to 11 had higher reported rates of ear infections, speech problems and learning disabilities compared to those reported by parents of other First Nations children. The commercial fishermen and guides went on welfare. By: Maan Alhmidi, The Canadian Press Posted: 12/6/2020 6:06 AM So have many in Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, also known as Whitedog First Nation, about 130 kilometres away. To order Finally, the report urged officials to revisit the current guidelines on walleye consumption as damage could be occurring at levels lower than previously believed. A First Nation of about 650 people near Ontario’s border with Manitoba, Grassy Narrows’ water was contaminated by tonnes of mercury dumped into its … If you appreciate deep local reporting, powerful investigations and reliable, responsible information, we hope you will support us through a subscription. … Grassy Narrows First Nation, or the Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation, is a small First Nations community in northwestern Ontario. Ancestors of the northern Ojibwe are thought to have originally inhabited the north shore of the upper Great Lakes. Die Grassy-Narrows-Blockade wird seit 2002 von einem aus rund 1300 Mitgliedern bestehenden Indianerstamm des Anishinabe -Volkes in der kanadischen Provinz Ontario, der Grassy Narrows First Nation, durchgeführt. According to a summary of the report, the lack of elders in Grassy Narrows is representative of lower life expectancy and has potential to lead to a loss of traditional values. Grassy Narrows declared a state of emergency over its unsafe drinking water in 2015, after a boil-water advisory had already been in place for nearly two years, as it tried to get more information from the federal government about the safety of its water. It also called for more supports for children, including a full-time child psychologist and speech therapy programs, as well as a community kitchen that serves uncontaminated food. Study results reveal that the old mill site is likely still leaking mercury into the river. Internationale und nationale Unterstützung sowie spektakuläre und langanhaltende Aktionen haben die Besetzung über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt gemacht. The youth of Asubpeeschoseewagong (Grassy Narrows) First Nation are demanding the Canadian government keep its promises to finally address the mercury crisis in their community. Grassy teens are struggling in school, with shorter attention spans than other First Nations teens, the research found. Links zu Grassy Narrows beim Rainforest Action Network, bis 2008, How an Indigenous Community Defeated a Logging Giant,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Because of government inaction for 50 years, generations of young Indigenous people have grown up with devastating health problems and the loss of their cultural traditions like fishing and time on the land. Grassy Narrows is in the spotlight again following the release today of the latest study to find the decades-old mercury contamination in the waterways can … Grassy Narrows First Nations chief hails more funding for mercury treatment centre. Da die Kultur der Indianer stark von ihrer natürlichen Umgebung abhängt, kam dies einem kulturellen Völkermord gleich. Your song video got 432,159 Views so far on YouTube ! Fishing guides and their familes were the most highly exposed to mercury and the first to lose their jobs. However, the mercury was never removed from the water and continues to affect the health of Grassy Narrows residents. Since 2012, the youth of Grassy Narrows have held an annual rally for mercury justice. Zudem litt der Stamm unter Quecksilbervergiftungen, welche die Reed Pulp Mill Company ausgelöst hatte, die Wildreisfelder der First Nation mit Abwässern überflutet hatte. Those kids were compared to Grassy Narrows children whose mothers hardly ever ate fish. The Canadian wilderness is an awesome adventure. Many of the teens of Grassy Narrows have participated in logging blockades and marches to protest governmment inaction on the mercury contamination. Community members had worked as guides and as staff in the many commercial fishing lodges. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution The adult survey was supported by records of mercury levels in hair, blood and umbilical cord blood. All Newspapers Limited, One Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, M5E 1E6. “Grassy Narrows, of course, has all the other issues of the other First Nations, such as residential schools, poverty, poor access to health care, poor access to food and, in addition to that, they have the legacy of mercury poisoning.”. In addition to the effects on the health of the people, the mercury in their water system has all but eliminated Grassy Narrows ability to financially sustain itself. It shows that Grassy Narrows children age four to 11 have a higher reported rate of ear infections, speech problems and learning disabilities compared to … Canada’s failure to address the problem is as old as the problem itself. Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. GRASSY NARROWS — Recent reports have raised alarm over the impact of mercury poisoning on those who eat fish from the lakes and rivers surrounding Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (Grassy Narrows First Nation), located 80 kilometres north of Kenora — but despite the risks, many residents continue to eat the fish: there are simply too few other options for food. 90 Per Cent Of Grassy Narrows First Nation Residents Show Signs Of Mercury Poisoning Premier Kathleen Wynne said the government remains reluctant to … Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Grassy Narrows Song. Their song “Home to me” has more than a quarter-million views on youtube, the website says. Drawing upon primary and secondary sources, as well as … The doctor said he had done no wrong and wanted an apology, and when he did not get one, he said, he quit. The board, which was set up during the 1980s to compensate those who can demonstrate symptoms consistent with mercury poisoning, had long been criticized as being inadequate. Residents of Grassy Narrows First Nation, about 100 kilometres northeast of Kenora, Ont., have grappled with long-standing mental and physical health issues due to toxic mercury levels in the nearby English-Wabigoon River. Dies war das Motiv für Menschenrechtsgruppen, den Stamm zu unterstützen, dazu kamen Naturschützer. Children whose mothers ate fish at least once a week while pregnant are four times more likely to have a learning disability or nervous system disorder that is slowing their efforts in school, says new research led by a leading mercury expert. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about Those same adults answered questions about their children for this survey. Traditionally, Ojibwe hunted large game for subsistence. Sie richtet sich gegen das Abholzen ihres traditionellen Gebietes, das sie als unverzichtbare Quelle für ihre Kultur betrachten. Der Erfolg des Stammes dürfte auch anderen Stämmen in Kanada helfen, wie der Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation im Norden Ontarios, oder den Haida auf dem vor Westkanada liegenden Haida Gwaii. Grassy Narrows elder: ‘When you have mercury you have it for life’ – Dec 3, 2019 Bowater, which eventually became Resolute, filed for bankruptcy protection in 2009. “However, since the 1970s, so, too, has the loss of the traditional economy, unemployment and sickness. The Grassy Narrows water crisis began in 1962, when Dryden Chemical used mercury-based chemicals to produce bleaching agents for the nearby paper mill (McGrath, 2016). We have everyhting that you need for the perfect vacation. 1913: Dryden Timber and Power starts the first kraft pulp mill in northwest Ontario. Toronto Star articles, please go to:, The Toronto Star and, each property of Toronto Star 50 years on, the community’s youth are determined to get justice. Two-thirds of children and youth eat bannock and walleye, traditional foods, with half eating walleye at least a few times during the past year. Last year, the provincial government committed $85 million to clean up the river and the federal government has pledged to help build a mercury care home that will help some of the sickest residents. 92 per cent of the children whose pregnant mothers ate fish at least once a week had a grandfather who was a fishing guide. Please click here to subscribe. Fobister was commenting on the release of Ontario's new forestry strategy Thursday. “It’s been a devastation of a whole way of life, a whole… culture that we need to rebuild.” – Judy Da Silva, Environmental Health Coordinator for Grassy Narrows Grassy Narrows is a remote Northwestern Ontario reserve with approximately 1000 residents. The Grassy Narrows community has been through many traumas including forced attendance in church-run residential schools, coerced relocation away from their traditional living areas, hydro damming flooding sacred sites and wild rice beds, mercury contamination, clearcut logging of … In addition, large patrilineal clans divide… rights reserved. Taking Action. Taking action. Grassy Narrows, White Dog First Nations Mercury Poisonings Still A Problem, Says Expert Masazumi Harada. Our reporting changes lives, connects communities and effects change. More than two-thirds of all children and youth participate in community-organized cultural events, and 88 per cent of children swim, jog or mountain bike. The fur trade economy transformed Ojibwe social organization and resource use. Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. By: Maan Alhmidi, The Canadian Press Posted: 12/6/2020 6:06 AM The clean-up work has not yet begun, though experts are conducting research to determine how to best remediate the river. They deserve to have a good life and to enjoy themselves like other youth do, without having to fight again and again for basic fairness. Emotional or behaviour problems: 3 – 11 y 27% 15% 14% Emotional or behaviour problems: 9 – 11 y 37% 18%. They migrated northward and westward during the late 17th and early 18th centuries in search of animals to supply the fur trade. That means we need you, our readers. Numbered Treaties, Nr. Roughly 70 per cent of applicants had been turned down for compensation. During the 1960s, the Dryden pulp and paper mill, operated by Reed Paper, dumped 10 tonnes of mercury into the Wabigoon River that feeds Grassy Narrows downstream. Over the past two years, the Star and scientists have revealed that fish downstream near Grassy Narrows remain the most contaminated in the province, that there is mercury-contaminated soil and river sediment at or near the site of the old mill, and the provincial government knew in the 1990s that mercury was visible in soil under that site and never told anyone in Grassy Narrows or nearby Wabaseemoong (Whitedog) Independent Nations. Dezember 2002 die beiden Schwestern Chrissy und Bonnie Swain, Angehörige der Grassy Narrows First Nation, eines im Nordwesten Ontarios ansässigen Indianerstamms, Bäume fällten, um damit einem Holzfällerunternehmen den Weg in ihr Reservat zu versperren, lösten sie damit eine seit sechs Jahren anhaltende offene Auseinandersetzung aus. "My parents had mercury poisoning — they died. The robust fishing tourism industry, especially at famous Ball Lake Lodge, was decimated. ‘We are more than mercury’: The youth from a place known for poisoned land and water are sending a message, Landmark study reveals ‘clear evidence’ of mercury’s toll on health in Grassy Narrows, ‘I started to have seizures at the age of 2.’ Ontario residents describe the ravages of mercury exposure. And this year the province retroactively indexed payments from the Mercury Disability Board to inflation. Ihre Kinder wurden von den Familien getrennt und mussten sogenannte Residential Schools besuchen, in denen sie ihre Muttersprache bei schweren Strafen nicht mehr sprechen durften. Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press CP. A spokesperson also said the government “acknowledges that the best health outcomes for Indigenous peoples will be achieved through programs, supports and the identification of required infrastructure that are designed, developed and led by Indigenous communities.”. “The tradition and culture of fishing and fish consumption have been passed down from one generation to the next,” the report said. Grassy Narrows First Nations chief hails more funding for mercury treatment centre. McGill Sociological Review, Volume 4 (February 2014): 43-66 Natalia Ilyniak University of Manitoba Abstract: Using an environmental injustice framework, this paper explores how the case of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows,an Anishinaabe community in Northwestern Ontario, exists as part of broader colonial processes in Canada. Residents of Grassy Narrows First Nation, about 100 kilometres northeast of Kenora, Ont., have grappled with long-standing mental and physical health issues due to toxic mercury levels in the nearby English-Wabigoon River.So have many in Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, also known as Whitedog First Nation, about 130 kilometres away. “But every day they face the legacies of mercury, colonialism, and residential schools, so it is an uphill battle for them. Grassy Narrows First Nations chief hails more funding for mercury treatment centre The appellant Grassy Narrows argued that Ontario cannot take up Treaty 3 lands since it involved federal jurisdiction under …show more content… 109, 92(5) and 92A of the Constitution Act, 1867. Amnesty International schaltete sich ein, Christian Peacemaker Teams, vor allem aber Menschen aus den Nachbarorten in Ontario. Randy Fobister has been elected as the new chief at Grassy Narrows. Grassy Narrows First Nation recently completed a new six-plex, which will be home for up to 26 residents. Camp Grassy Narrows, Moffet, Quebec. Dafür hat sich der Premierminister Kanadas im Juni 2008 offiziell entschuldigt. Grassy Narrows elder: ‘When you have mercury you have it for life’ – Dec 3, 2019 Bowater, which eventually became Resolute, filed for bankruptcy protection in 2009. Abitibi versuchte gar nicht erst die Blockade, die dadurch verstärkt wurde, dass die Schule während des ganzen Sommers 2003 dorthin verlegt wurde, zu brechen. Dazu hatte RAN das entsprechende Papier gekennzeichnet, um den Käufern eine Boykottmöglichkeit zu eröffnen. Advocates for the community say it remains one of Canada's worst examples of the effects of legacy pollution. They amaze me every day with their humour, their pride, and their strength,” said Judy Da Silva, a Grassy Narrows mother and community activist. In mid-March, Brunswick House First Nation completed the construction of six new homes. Though it has been 50 years since a mill dumped mercury upstream from Grassy Narrows First Nation, the reserve’s children are showing troubling signs that the neurotoxin is still poisoning the community. Grassy Narrows is located about 100 kilometres northeast of Kenora. Das Unternehmen wich stattdessen zunächst auf abgelegenere Gebiete aus. Children aged four to 11 had higher reported rates of ear infections, speech problems and learning disabilities compared to those reported by parents of other First Nations children. The new research is another strong indication that the dumped mercury — pollution that officials for years said would fade away — is still a problem. They should not have to overcome hunger, poverty, and poison in order to succeed.”. Die sich anschließende Blockade durch rund tausend Angehörige des Stammes, der sich selbst Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation nennt, richtete sich gegen unerwünschten Holzeinschlag durch Abitibi Consolidated in seinem rund 2.500 Quadratmeilen umfassenden traditionellen Gebiet. That's like the … It shows that Grassy Narrows children age four to 11 have a higher reported rate of ear infections, speech problems and learning disabilities compared to that reported by parents of other First Nations children. “They should not have to fight again and again for basic justice that others in Canada take for granted. The children of mothers who ate fish at least once a month during pregnancy are twice as likely to have visual problems and three times more likely to have chronic ear infections, compared to children of Grassy Narrows mothers who hardly or never ate fish during pregnancy. We need your help. The likelihood of these grandchildren of fishing guides having been in the care of child and family services is five times greater than those whose grandfather was not a fishing guide. Grassy Narrows First Nation recently completed a new six-plex, which will be home for up to 26 residents. It’s been half a century since a pulp and paper mill in Dryden, Ont. dumped 10 tonnes of mercury into the English and Wabigoon river systems, poisoning aquatic life downstream along with two communities, including Grassy Narrows, who relied on fish to survive. A report on the survey’s findings recommended that a learning centre be set up to give information on mercury’s impact on a developing fetus and child. More than 90 per cent of residents in Grassy Narrows and Whitedog First Nations had mercury poisoning symptoms, a 2016 report found. Former Grassy Narrows chief who fought for mercury treatment centre laid to rest as battle with Ottawa continues. Doch am 3. expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Toronto Camp Grassy Narrows is located on the shores of Lac Des Quinze, hidden under the birches and pine trees. Tap water that is contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals. Residents of Grassy Narrows First Nation, about 100 kilometres northeast of Kenora, Ont., have grappled with long-standing mental and physical health issues due to toxic mercury levels in the nearby English-Wabigoon River.So have many in Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, also known as Whitedog First Nation, about 130 kilometres away. Decades of government inaction. Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press CP. Conclusion: Grassy Narrows’ struggles for environmental justice and decolonization In the face of these ongoing environmental injustices created and maintained by colonial governmental practices and capitalism’s industrial growth, Grassy Narrows remains a strong and resilient community. Those kids were compared to Grassy Narrows children whose mothers hardly ever ate fish. The research is part of an ongoing, comprehensive study that has already revealed the adults of Grassy Narrows report higher rates of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts compared to other First Nations adults. "For decades logging hurt our way of life, and made our mercury problem worse," said First Nation member Joseph Fobister in an email last week. Grassy Narrows, Ontario. Between 1962 and 1970, a mill in Dryden, Ontario dumped more than 9 metric tons of untreated inorganic mercury into the English and Wabigoon Rivers in Northwestern Ontario. 2002 war bereits rund die Hälfte des Gebiets abgeholzt. Bibliography. The Grassy Narrows First Nation is granted a reserve on their traditional lands along the Wabigoon River. Fishing is central to their culture, traditions and economy. GRASSY NARROWS — Recent reports have raised alarm over the impact of mercury poisoning on those who eat fish from the lakes and rivers surrounding Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (Grassy Narrows First Nation), located 80 kilometres north of Kenora — but despite the risks, many residents continue to eat the fish: there are simply too few other options for food. It can cause neurological damage and reproductive issues long-term, and is especially harmful to children. Scientists strongly suspect that old mercury still contaminates the mill site and is polluting the river. Juli 2006 war die längste Blockade der nordamerikanischen Geschichte auch in der Weltpresse. It was funded by Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. More. Campingplatz Wow! They are a strong group in Canada for activism, resistance, and environmental justice struggles (Wolfson 2011). Its water supply has been contaminated by mercu Two Grassy Narrows First Nation residents are facing charges, after a 39-year-old man passed away in a suspicious death on November 2. Youth 12-17 years of age Grassy Narrows First Nations in Ontario First Nationss ... • Grassy Narrows First Nation has poorer physical and mental health, … At least 10 per cent of all Grassy Narrows teens have anxiety or depression. The Problem. The new research also found signs that the children of Grassy Narrows are active despite their significant challenges. The study proposes remediating the Wabigoon River and affected lakes in the traditional territories of the Grassy Narrows and Whitedog people using methods effectively used elsewhere. Geoffrey York. Earlier this year, the board’s longtime neurologist quit after an allegation of bias. Grassy Narrows members remain concerned about the impact of forestry on their land. The community of about 1,200 members had been without clean drinking water for about seven years, before boil water advisories were lifted recently. The reserve, legally known as English River Indian Reserve 21, is just over 41 km 2 of land located about 55 km northeast of Kenora.There are 1,594 registered members of Grassy Narrows First Nation (also known as Asubpeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek), 971 of whom live on-reserve (2019). The 12 tons of untreated methyl mercury waste was then dumped into the Wabigoon river (PSAC-AFPC, 2016). Grassy Narrows has dealt with the effects of mercury contamination for decades, after a nearby paper mill dumped it into the nearby river system in the 1960s. The Indigenous community of Grassy Narrows, Canada, has been devastated by mercury poisoning. Parents or caregivers responded to the lengthy survey about their kids between December 2016 and March 2017. Those kids were compared to Grassy Narrows children whose mothers hardly ever ate fish. Wie alle First Nations, so war auch die Grassy Narrows First Nation den Versuchen der Zwangsassimilation der kanadischen Regierung bis in die 1970er Jahre ausgesetzt gewesen. The fur trade shifted this practice toward trapping smaller animals and trading their furs. Grassy Narrows, White Dog First Nations Mercury Poisonings Still A Problem, Says Expert Masazumi Harada. Indigenous Services Minister Seamus O’Regan urged to make Grassy Narrows … When the mercury dumping was discovered, the commercial fishery was closed, cutting the people off from their most imp… Since 2012, the youth of Grassy Narrows have held an annual rally for mercury justice. Doch dazu müsste vor allem Ontarios Mining Act fallen, ein Gesetz, das Explorationsfirmen erlaubt, praktisch jeden zu enteignen, der auf Bodenschätzen lebt. This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. For years, the northern Ontario First Nation has been asking the federal government to make good on its 2017 promise to fund the home. A river poisoned with mercury. The government should be held accountable for their promise to build the mercury treatment centre for the Grassy Narrows community. Dr. Donna Mergler and a team of scientists surveyed the families of 350 children ages 4 to 17. Subsequently, the trial judge established that taking up the clause in Treaty 3 requires a two-step process to determine whether Ontario could limit harvesting rights without the approval of the federal government. Grassy Narrows worries about fate of Trudeau government’s promised treatment home. In June 2019, over 40 members of the Grassy Narrows community travelled 1,700km from their home to demand that the government make good on its promise to build a care centre for survivors of mercury poisoning. A river poisoned with mercury. In 2005, Grassy Narrows challenged this license for violating Treaty 3 harvesting rights. Oktober 2018 um 09:00 Uhr bearbeitet. Indigenous Services Canada said it welcomes the new survey and will carefully review the results. The fish were contaminated with extremely high levels of mercury, causing decades of severe health problems and eroding their unique way of life. Im Februar 2008 sagte das Holzunternehmen Boise Inc. zu, kein Holz mehr aus der Region aufzukaufen. “We are proud of our kids. It looks as if you appreciate our journalism. “Our youth are brave and talented people who have overcome great obstacles to leave their mark on Canada,” said Chief Rudy Turtle. Obwohl seit 1873 ein Vertrag mit der damaligen Regierung besteht (vgl. Als am 2. Schon früher hatte man, um den Weg in die Presse zu finden, zu spektakulärem Vorgehen gegriffen, indem sich eine Frau an einen LKW des größten Holzunternehmens der Welt, Weyerhaeuser, ankettete und dergleichen. These homes were built using energy-efficient technologies and mold- and fire-resistant materials. "For decades logging hurt our way of life, and made our mercury problem worse," said First Nation member Joseph Fobister in an email last week. For almost 50 years, the river system—a foundational element of the Grassy Narrows culture—-that the community relies on for food and water has been contaminated with mercury as a result of industrial pollution. The deceased has been identified as 39-year-old Wesley Pahpasay of Grassy Narrows, and police believe foul play may have been a factor in his death. In June 2019, over 40 members of the Grassy Narrows community travelled 1,700km from their home to demand that the government make good on its promise to build a care centre for survivors of mercury poisoning. Republication or distribution of this content is Although the SCC recognized that Treaty 3 was signed with by the federal government in 1873, the Court asserted that an agreement should be “between the Ojibway and the Crown.” Das Rainforest Action Network (RAN) koordinierte die ökologischen Gruppen, erhöhte den Druck auf Papierhändler. Grassy Narrows worries about fate of Trudeau government’s promised treatment home. Advocates for the people who ate the fish were contaminated with extremely high levels of mercury, decades. For granted culture, traditions and economy originally inhabited the north shore of the upper Great Lakes sagte... The results are conducting research to determine how to best remediate the river were the most highly exposed mercury! A fishing guide so, too, has the loss of the teens of Grassy Narrows community an allegation bias. 2012, the youth of Grassy Narrows members remain concerned about the impact of forestry on land... 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